Art of Sales

Wow. It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Had my first demo last week, loads of feedback on my executive summary, and a VC call me yesterday to chew up my plan. Wasn’t the first time and certainly won’t be the last.

Entrepreneurship is a tough game, no doubt about that. If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing right now, I honestly couldn’t imagine what I’d be doing. Being an entrepreneur and forcing myself to be versed in sales is allowing me to grow as a person. Every time I do a demo, cold call an executive, or simply walkin to a practice I feel like I’m learning and growing as a person.

In technology, you want to assume either one of two roles in founding a company. Either you build the product or you sell the product. Best case scenario is that you have a founding team of complimentary people who are both product focused but have expertise in sales or engineering. Those two founders should also be able to hawk the shit out your product and be first class evangelists.

I was never a sales person before I started my company. Never worked retail, never sold candy bars, never sold cutco kitchen knivesĀ  but I’ve come to find that sales is one of the most essential skills you’ll need to learn as an entrepreneur.

I can see the HealthCare IT wave coming around the corner. Gotten feedback on my plan, mostly positive and mostly helpful. I just know that the idea I’m starting out with right now will be completely different from what it will end up being a couple years from now. Also got a vendor exhibition spot at the OCAAFP conference in Dec.

Things are lookin up! Just gotta keep hustling.

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